Privacy Policy

1 Introduction

ArcCrowd , and its related entities ("ArcCrowd", "we", "us", "our") take your privacy seriously. We are subject to the Privacy Act 2016 (Cth) and will protect your personal information in accordance with how we collect and otherwise handle your personal information. This Privacy Policy explains in general terms how we protect the privacy of your personal information and applies to any personal information that we collect from, or about, you.

2 The Information We Collect and Hold

The types of personal information that we collect and hold about you will depend on the circumstances of collection and on the type of product or service you request from us. When collecting personal information from you, we specifically describe what information is required in order to provide you with the product or service you have requested. Such personal information may include details such as your name, phone number, email address, credit/debit card number, expiry date and billing address. We may also collect your IP address for the purpose of protecting the security and integrity of our marketplace and preventing fraudulent use of our services. Unless you notify us otherwise, we will assume that you have consented to the collection of all information which is provided to us for use in accordance with this Privacy Policy. The types of personal information that we collect and hold about you will depend on the circumstances of collection and on the type of product or service you request from us. When collecting personal information from you, we specifically describe what information is required in order to provide you with the product or service you have requested. Such personal information may include details such as your name, phone number, email address, credit/debit card number, expiry date and billing address. We may also collect your IP address for the purpose of protecting the security and integrity of our marketplace and preventing fraudulent use of our services. Unless you notify us otherwise, we will assume that you have consented to the collection of all information which is provided to us for use in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

3 How We Collect and Hold Personal Information

We may collect personal information from you when you: • (a) create an account with ArcCrowd; or • (b) request or purchase goods or services from us; or • (c) contact us by any method, such as telephone, email, post, facsimile or in person. We may utilise "cookies" which enable us to monitor traffic patterns and to serve you more efficiently if you revisit the site. A cookie does not identify you personally but it does identify your computer. You can set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie and this will provide you with an opportunity to either accept or reject each instance. We may allow some of our marketing or technology partners to utilise "cookies" on our website to collect non-personally identifying data to assist them, or ArcCrowd, in delivering services to you. Your e-mail message content may be monitored by us for trouble-shooting or maintenance purposes or if any form of e-mail abuse is suspected. As well as collecting information directly from you, there may be occasions when we collect information about you from a third party. For example, we may collect information from a third party: • (a) where he or she has authorisation to purchase or request goods or services on your behalf; • (b) who has collected your personal information and disclosed it to us so that we may issue you with goods or services on behalf of the third party; • (c) who is one of our service providers who collects personal information on our behalf; and • (d) who is one of the market research companies contracted by us to obtain personal information so that we may improve and market our products and services • (e) who is an aggregator of publicly available information If you do not provide the requested information when using our website or requesting goods or services from us, we may not be able to complete your requests or orders and you may not be able to access all areas of the website. We take reasonable steps to protect the personal information we hold from misuse, interference or loss, and from unauthorised access, modification and disclosure. The steps we take to protect personal information include: • (a) encrypting information sent between you and us using Secure Sockets Layer protocol (SSL) and 128-bit encryption (the highest level of encryption commercially available). ArcCrowd's SSL certification is supplied by SignSec PRO; • (b) outsourcing transaction processing to reputable, secure, Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliant payment gateway providers (PayPal and GlobalCollect). ArcCrowdCrowd does not capture, store or handle any credit card data; • (c) utilising a fully secured technology stack on Amazon Web Services technologies. ArcCrowd's databases are only accessible to certain IP addresses, locations and servers. In addition, ArcCrowd has implemented parts of the SANS security guidelines for securing its database servers; • (d) limiting access to users' personal information through secure login to the ArcCrowd website.

4 Use of Your Personal Information

Information collected by us may be used for the following purposes: • (a) to create an account for you on ArcCrowd; • (b) to process your requests for goods or services; • (c) to notify you of changes to our goods or services; • (d) to send email notifications for special promotions or offers conducted by us, our suppliers or distributors; • (e) to conduct marketing activities and to conduct market research; • (f) to respond to your questions or suggestions; • (g) to protect the security and integrity of the marketplace for all users and prevent fraudulent use of our services; or • (h) to improve the quality of our goods or service and the quality of your visit to the website. To stop receiving our emails, please click on the link found at the bottom of each email to update your account preferences.

5 Disclosing Your Personal Information

We do not sell or rent your personal information to any other company, organisation or person. We may disclose your personal information to: • (a) third party designers or clients in connection with any works (including without limitation artwork and designs) created or requested by you (as applicable) as part of the ArcCrowd Service pursuant to separate terms and conditions entered into between you and us; • (b) third parties that provide services to us, or functions on our behalf. For example, we may disclose personal information to our contractors to whom we outsource certain services, including market research and payment and data processing, for the purpose for which the information was collected or for related purposes, such as to complete a transaction on your behalf or provide you with a service that you requested; • (c) related companies in our corporate group and business partners for the purpose of providing services which have been requested by you; • (d) information technology service providers responsible for our communication networks, software and system development and maintenance. In these situations, we prohibit the third party contractor from using personal information about you except for the specific purpose for which we supply it. In addition, we will not disclose your personal information without your consent unless the disclosure is authorised by the Privacy Act, including: • (a) to lessen or prevent a serious threat to life or health; • (b) to protect the personal safety of users of this website or the public; • (c) if authorised or required by law; • (d) if we have reason to suspect that unlawful activity has been, is being or may be engaged in; or • (e) to enforce the law or necessary to investigate a suspected unlawful activity. In some circumstances, the entities to which we disclose personal information may be located outside United Kingdom. For instance, we may disclose personal information to our wholly owned subsidiary ArcCrowd, which is located in the United Kingdom.

6 Access and Correction of Your Personal Information

We will, on request, provide you with access to the information we hold about you, unless there is an exception which applies under the APPs, including for the purpose of correcting or updating that information. To access your personal information, please email us at or call +44 0744 312 10 10. We may recover from you our reasonable costs of supplying you with access to this information. Your request to provide access to this information will be dealt with in a reasonable time. If we refuse to provide you with access to the information, we will provide you with reasons for the refusal and inform you of any exceptions relied upon under the APPs (unless it would be unreasonable to do so).

7 Keeping Your Personal Information Up To Date

We take reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information is accurate, complete, and up-to-date whenever we collect or use it. If the personal information we hold about you is inaccurate, incomplete, irrelevant or out-of-date, please contact us and we will take reasonable steps to either correct this information, or if necessary, discuss alternative action with you.

8 Change to this Privacy Statement

This Privacy Policy was prepared and posted on 16 August 2016. We may modify or amend this Privacy Policy as our business requirements or the law changes. Any changes to this Privacy Policy will be updated on the website, so please visit the website periodically to ensure that you have our most current privacy policy.

9 Complaints and Contact Details

If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy, have a complaint about a breach of your privacy or if you have any query on how your personal information is collected or used, please contact our Chief Operating Officer on: or call +44 0744 312 10 10. If you wish to make a complaint about an alleged breach of the Privacy Act, we will ask you to send us your complaint in writing to the email address listed above. We endeavour to respond to complaints within a reasonable period (usually 30 days).